
Tuesday, May 02, 2023


Aku jrg2 mkn Pisang tapi hari ni aku beli sesikat kecik mkn pisang.klu dulu buat gym mmg suka mkn Pisang sbb gorilla yg tubuh besar tu mmg suka mkn Pisang hahaha.

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Cuti & kerja

 Takde masa utk gi jln2 klu sakit Bdn duk rumah je.Tidur lagi bagus da.

Saturday, April 08, 2023

Habis Study sendiri.

Tak byk info dlm mana2 social media.Hanya byk perkembangan biasa shj.Cuma dlm setgh topik utk buat business yg biasa saya focus.Harap2 byk buat duit je la.

Friday, April 07, 2023

AI & Robotic.

 Sejauh mana perkembangan Teknologi.Sejauh itu la yg aku follow up ttg IT.Gunakan Robot & Mesin utk memudahkan kerja2 buat profit utk Syarikat shj.Achieve 🎯 target.Itu yg PENTING.

Ttg FB

 Klu rasa2 FB sgt sukar,saya buat blogging shj.Blog ni saya dah simpan lama sehingga sekrg.FB itu tempat saya berhubung dgn rakan2 sekerja saya dulu & pensyarah2 shj.

Thursday, April 06, 2023

Happy Easter Day.

 All l know is eggs & rabbit.

Saturday, October 29, 2022


 Alhamdulillah,kelmarin plan aku lebih drpd 15 tahun ini sudah sempurna dgn penubuhan Syarikat Enterprise.Segala puji & kesyukuran bagi Allah SWT atas segala nikmat & kurniaNya.Aku doakan Syarikat ini terus membesar & bertukar menjadi BHD dgn kukuhnya satu hari nanti,insyaallah.

Thursday, January 06, 2011

Happy New Year 2011

I was very happy last few month befor the 2010 end with lot of change from the way of life flows almost of my strategic mgt planning works to the excellence result especially that something that I could imaging to reality then my prayers and wish for more incoming success for this year with be happen for more bigger and larger fortune & high knowledge flows naturally in mylife and surround me.

May this year all the work smart & hard that as been proven will help and support me to build up my focus and confident within my internal way of mind and +ve thinking as supporting other in +ve way as well and definately I looking forward to get the support from others.

Its been the honours to have a good family,friend and peers along the journey of beautiful life!
I truely hope that more focus,success and happiness moving forward for the new wonderful year!
Cheers :-)