Potato and Kumara Gratin with Thyme

Storage Time ; Cream Mixture can be made ahead of time , Prepare Potatoes and Kumara just Before cooking
Will be fine if you serving together with Chicken curry , or beef curry , grill fish..and Salad or Fry or Grilled Vegetables
2 Tblspoons oil.
2 Leeks, chopped,
2 Cloves Garlic , crushed.
1 Tblspoons chopped Fresh Thyme
3/4 Cup Ceam
3/4 cup chicken stock
500 grm Potatoes
500 grm Kumara [ Orange sweet potato ]
1/3 cup finely grated gruye're cheese
>Prerheat Oven to Moderately hot 210 degree or 190 degree for Gas.
1- Heat oil in frying pan ,add leeks , garlic and Thyme , stir over low heat 4-5 minute or till soft ,
Add cream 'N' stock , bring to boil ; remove form heat.
Peel 'N' thinly slice potato and Kumara .
Place in alternating layers in shallow about -8-10 cup ovenproof dish , pour over cream mixture , spreading leeks with spoon .
Sprinkle cheese on top
Bake for 40-45 minute or untill golden brown and potatoes are just tender.
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