Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Sunday, November 27, 2005
"Leadership is a choice, not a position."

Dr. Covey speaking at a public program in Malaysia
"By the principled, humble use of freedom and power,
the humble person obtains moral authority with people,
cultures, organizations, and entire societies."
Dr. Stephen R. Covey, from The 8th Habit:
From Effectiveness to Greatness
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Beautiful dawn

Beautiful dawn - lights up the shore for me.
There is nothing else in the world,
I'd rather wake up and see (with you).
Beautiful dawn - I'm just chasing time again.
Thought I would die a lonely man, in endless night.
But now I'm high; running wild among all the stars above.
Sometimes it's hard to believe you remember me.
Beautiful dawn - melt with the stars again.
Do you remember the day when my journey began?
Will you remember the end (of time)?
Beautiful dawn - You're just blowing my mind again.
Thought I was born to endless night, until you shine.
High; running wild among all the stars above.
Sometimes it's hard to believe you remember me.
Will you be my shoulder when I'm grey and older?
Promise me tomorrow starts with you,
Getting high; running wild among all the stars above.
Sometimes it's hard to believe you remember me
By James Blunt
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
..as 'de audience for the day..
I was busyzz escalating 'de report ..out of sudden
..achtung ! achtung ! anouncement from TL..
mentioned dat..
"every L2 required to change status to Floor Support
& there will be 5 unfortunated yahoo!L2..
will be auto in..dude.."
One of de yahoo !L2 dat be mentioned 'de name ..it's me..
at 'de last list..everybody ..as 'de audience for the day..
clapping 'de hand..& scream !Yahoo! L2!Bwahahaha!
Moral of the story is..be happy in whatever jobs task..tho..
..achtung ! achtung ! anouncement from TL..
mentioned dat..
"every L2 required to change status to Floor Support
& there will be 5 unfortunated yahoo!L2..
will be auto in..dude.."
One of de yahoo !L2 dat be mentioned 'de name ..it's me..
at 'de last list..everybody ..as 'de audience for the day..
clapping 'de hand..& scream !Yahoo! L2!Bwahahaha!
Moral of the story is..be happy in whatever jobs task..tho..

Monday, November 21, 2005
got to stand by for raining day..

When I frist step out from my condo door
ehat I saw was my Aunty great neighbour smile..
on her hand there is umbrella..hmm..I was wonder..
when I wake up tis morning the weather a moderate normal
but with the grey cloud..unfortunately cant see a clear dawn
as always..well..it's a right move by fully equiped with
the umbrella as well in my hand..got to stand by for raining day..
Have a great day..cheers!
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Monday, November 14, 2005
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Life a bit of hetic every day in KL..

I juz like chasing a LRT train to avoid the road jamm
to be punctual on jobs..so far my boss keep given me a perfect
attendance praise..yeah!hopefully more certificate
by the way QA keep getting shooting up high marks..
certainly,good results as cheering thru smile & laugh with
everyon surround me....more teh tarik party..
instead of bubble party..Bwahahaha!
have a good day! Cheers!..hehehe..:D
Friday, November 11, 2005
all kind of IT infomation
I was concerntrated for about 2 days I constructed a L1 & L2 links dat knowledgeble
& will help out anybody dat need all kind of IT infomation to help out
on IT Nextworking trouble shooting..hopefully dat Lay On,2 & 3 will
give all kind of IT benefit for me ,frenz & all bloggers
enjoy your reading ..Cheers !
& will help out anybody dat need all kind of IT infomation to help out
on IT Nextworking trouble shooting..hopefully dat Lay On,2 & 3 will
give all kind of IT benefit for me ,frenz & all bloggers
enjoy your reading ..Cheers !
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Walking on the Street

Walking on the Street tis afternoon
the weather goes so hot in KL..
taking up LRT shoot to the office juz
like daily rutin in life daily..
I was very happy yesterday as usual having
a good smile & laugh concerned of the QA
performance dat the draft shoot up..
Sab keep giving me a good tip as always
Have a happy day..cheers!
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Afternoon Unexpected Raining Day..

I was running thru the day ....as usual rush
to the office..and out of sudden way a very heavy rain
I stock at the street waiting the rain to stop..
and I made it!cuz in my heart by instict ..got to go for the day..
and the rain will stop..soon..and its true..
Sunlight shining again when I reach to destination!
Have a good happy day..Cheers!
Monday, November 07, 2005
Salam greeting from 'Dato' Cash..

I was walking to the office..suddently..
'Alamak !Ader Massage Pulakxxwsk!'a greeting wish
somebody from behind called me "Dato'?
...I was shockzz..Who's dat? My 'U' Class mate?
My Lecture?My New CEO? My God Father?'Family' Uncle ?
My Client ?!
I turned my head as always watch my back..Laaa...
My TL dahhhh...hehehe..I ask Q 'When can we make
'Raya Party'Lahhh..?'He said by pointing finger to his PA
'there's no 'Raya Party'but got 'Bubble Party' with the cover
charge Fee..'Ituler pasal'..said his PA..Bwahahaha!!!
Sunday, November 06, 2005
Saturday, November 05, 2005
"My Hubby ..not pass the Exam!"

"When I was in UK..I been invited by one of the best friend couple
..dat proceeding PhD studies on Telecommunication at Cambridege U..Instead of every day ..conversation ..they are ..happy ..with the life currently..after spend more then 5 years ..at "negara hujan Emas "..
( what I can see is the coolzz on -ve 15 % celcius..dat you might easy
to get flost..foot bite..dat makes everyone busy cutting a raw onion to apply on their foot to healed..in the winter time..snow...& chilled windy..breeze..hehehe..)
well..as a coolzz hubble couple from 'kampung side like me'..They are cheerful by
putting a smile in their face & happy as a understanding beloved couple..cuz..
when I asked the wifezz.."What is the great purpose to celebrate this high tea party ?"
She smile & laugh by hugzz & kissezz her husband & say "My Hubby ..not pass the Exam!Lets party!"Its took me for a while sit down quitely to seek to understand to be understood on +ve side....when I flash back the memory plucked..apple..on the ranch..its true..
FOREX made them happy..hahaha : P "
On 3rd Shawal Dawn..

I woke up tis morning feel so fresh juz like
sleeping in the Angel Arm ..after a month fasting fighting
with hunger & salvation..juz like always
..a happy & success alway exceeded with out any excuses..
I always remember once I in the college..
My Ustazah..dat teach me a BM & PI..subject always quote say..
"Nak seribu daya..taknak seribu dalih.."dat bring me to the extend..
Yeah !I can do it!Just Do it!dat a good reason I play sport & wear
a nike sport suit to gain sport success..
My buddies TK mention the other day dat my blog
full & too much picture..so I decided to put on cyratna as a
daily dairy & try to alligning on cyratna2..my favourate subject ..
dat as consist of Music,poem ..quote of the day..cartoon ..surfing on web
email from friend & ext..Thank for the good comment TK ..dude..
Kindly please enjoy my writing..always..
Be happy & cheers !
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
The job's not done yet..

Well that’s the domestic Tests finished for this year and
I think the results were pretty good. If we sat back in January
and said ‘we were going to win the Philips Tri Nations,
Bledisloe Cup and beat the British & Irish Lions three-nil’
we’d be pretty happy. That’s occurred and that’s marvellous.
Nike Golf
Nike Golf have just unveiled its first full-service and dedicated research &
design facility for the developement of performance golf clubs and the testing
of both golf clubs and golf balls in Fort Worth, Texas.
The 28,000 sqft, state-of-the-art R&D facility, which Nike Golf broke ground
for in October 2002, is home to more than 100 ongoing club projects.
`There is no better example of Nike Golf's commitment to advancing the technology
of golf equipment than this incredible facility.` said Nike Golf's President,
Bob Wood.

design facility for the developement of performance golf clubs and the testing
of both golf clubs and golf balls in Fort Worth, Texas.
The 28,000 sqft, state-of-the-art R&D facility, which Nike Golf broke ground
for in October 2002, is home to more than 100 ongoing club projects.
`There is no better example of Nike Golf's commitment to advancing the technology
of golf equipment than this incredible facility.` said Nike Golf's President,
Bob Wood.

DCT Switzerland ?..

DCT International Hotel & Business School in Switzerland is located in
the charming village of Vitznau, directly on the shores of the famous
Lake Lucerne, just 20 Km from the city of Lucerne. All of the DCT professional
staff are highly qualified and have extensive international experience in
the hotel and business fields and in the fields of Culinary Arts and
Culinary Management.

Kenyon wants cleaner image

Chelsea chief executive Peter Kenyon wants the Barclays Premiership champions
to rid themselves of the 'rebel' tag which he fears could hamper their
development into a global brand. Kenyon admits a variety of factors have
caused a degree of unpopularity among other clubs and supporters,
including the controversial `tapping-up' affair involving Ashley Cole
as well as the financial power the club wields since Roman Abramovich's arrival.
Facts & Figures

The University of Cambridge is one of the oldest universities in the world,
and one of the largest in the United Kingdom. It has a world-wide reputation
for outstanding academic achievement and the high quality of research
undertaken in a wide range of science and arts subjects.
The University pioneers work in the understanding of disease,
the creation of new materials, advances in telecommunications
and research into the origins of the universe. It trains doctors,
vets, architects, engineers and teachers. At all levels about half
of the students at Cambridge study arts and humanities subjects,
many of whom have gone on to become prominent figures in the arts,
print and broadcast media. The University's achievements in the
sciences can be measured by the sixty or more Nobel Prizes awarded to
its members over the years.

Listen to the Guides!

Night skates are exciting and there are often many distractions
from the environment. Help us ensure your safety and those of other
skaters by always listening to instructions given by the skate volunteers
or instructors who are guiding the skate. This applies especially
to the advanced skaters who tend to be impetous and want to skate ahead.